fishing st williams friday

we went from st williams towards the ec 10 just past the last huts about a mile and a half or so out i caught my limit and my 2 friends caught about 60 between them the fish would come and go in schools but around 12:30 to 3:00 we only caught about 4 fish between us it was really dead between that time so we packed up and headed in at 3:00 so i dont know how the bite was after that.
Nice catch, my buddy was out there yesterday as-well and came home with 20. I was out Thurs. and did well. I think I could be talked into another trip soon.:D
forty5goingon65,Excellent Catch!! Like I mentioned in my last post(Jan.28/11),it seemed like the bite was very early,I missed out on it due to my late start.Oh well,it is all about getting outdoors.Enjoy your meal,like I enjoyed mine on Wed.Jan.26/11,day`s fishing,when I had better success.I am looking forward of getting out again REAL SOON.Thank-You for posting;)8D

well it looks like u will have to get the scaler going for lori, is it your first time out. im going out today for the late afternoon bite -28 outside rite now suppose to get up to -20 around 1;00 so no hurry was owen out with u
keep up the good work we might be down for easter so maybe a perch & pickerel fry
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