Fishing for Walleye techniques


Active Member
I have not fished for Walleye for about 10 yrs. Reading a lot of the post's it seems like downriggers don't work as well as they once did. Any info would be great as I want to partake this year and catch some of these sweet tasting fish.

:)When I go out I listen to the board here and get a general idea of where to go. When there, the fish finder should show hooks. It"s nice to have a temp. read of the colunm of water also. lately the fish have been up high because the water is too cold down deeper.It"s my thought that the wally &bows like the 55 to 65 degrees.
I"v had good luck with riggers on the bottom or midway with a very long lead, check your riggers often because the gripper setting might be to hard for a lite bite wally. The rainbow really tear into the bait/lure, whereas the wally hit lightly. I"v had good luck with fairly high speed troll, like 21/2 to 3 mph going against the current. This time of year when the bows are arround it pays to put on a slider line or "cheater" on the riggers. The dipsy is one of the best fishing tools that I have...
Hope this helps..Larry:)
Thanks for the info. How far of a lead do you run behind your riggers?? Also, do you flat line with lead core or do you hook them to the riggers? I have counters on all my reels and have braid,leadcore and mono on my rods.
I have never used leadcore,only dipsys. I like to put out 75-125 ft. on the riggers. Running braid on the dipsys. Don"t forget toallow for blowback on the riggers especially if your using light, or round rigger balls....Hope this helps....Larry