Off Topic Cooking-Oil for Deep-Fryer.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Was just wondering what type of oil preference everyone uses in their Deep-Fryer. Was about to clean it and just thought I would ask for any suggestions on what to use. I presently am using Sunflower-oil but wanted to know if this is the right product. Thanks for any suggestions Walleyeman. Cheers and be safe!
I use shortening fryer oil(commercial fryer oil basically). $32 for 16L at wholesale club in London. I find it will handle overheating better than canola oil. I learned this the hard way early on with my propane burners.
The downfall is it must be warm >75F or you can’t filter it properly. I filter after each use to extend the life.
Peanut oil is great but to damn expensive for my liking
I use Canola in my deep fryer, but olive oil (depending on what it is I'm cooking) in the frying pan.
Canola or peanut oil are recommended. Olive oil has a lower flash point and is not recommended for that reason. Peanut oil is usually more expensive therefore Canola typically wins out.
Have a buddy that ran a fast food joint, He used Hubbert's liquid fry shortening. Works great and the price is right. 20104110_lrg_1_@1x.jpg
I have some experience in this
  1. If you can tell the difference in taste use what you like, most vegetable oils taste the same to me
  2. When you buy a bottle labelled "vegetable oil" it is likely Soya or Canola based on the cost at the time
  3. if you want crisp fish etc. use a solid oil like shortening or lard. It goes solid as it cools which is why is stays crispy
  4. There are oils on the market that can be used for a longer time but every time you heat the oil up to use it you are increasing the trans fats in the oils