Canada day small mouth & lost drift sock

Rob V

Well-Known Member
Got down to LP bay for my annual small mouth adventure. Friday with my father in law and my wife's 93 yr old grand father and saturday with a good buddy. Best small mouth fishing i've ever experienced. between the 3 of us on Friday 33 small mouth were caught (kept 3 for dinner). A bit slower on Saturday - only 14 between two of us (can't believe i just said only). Beautiful weather - great company and fantastic fishing. The only problem - i lost my brand new drift sock - darned not i tied came apart and of course i didn't notice until it was too late. So if anyone snags a brand new Lindy (blue) drift sock or knows of someone who did let me know !!
Sounds like you had a great outing apart from loosing the drift sock.
I got my line cut on friday by another boater. There goes my planner board. Marked a waypoint on the gps and found it 25min later.
Phantom - glad you were able to retrieve it. GPS has many uses ! Too bad some folks need that 50 feet beside your boat to get by you when they have the whole lake to use !!
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