Burwell Perchin


Well-Known Member
took the wife and my son Kaleb out fishing and we had a great few hours on the water best spot was 35 FOW out front of the silver barn only kept 15 good sized perch biggest was 14" had a beautiful afternoon on the water here's a few pics.



the fat girls were spawned out couple males left there mark on the boat[xx(]


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Those are four really nice 12 1/2" plus perch, Shawn!! Way to go, perfect day to be out with family!!
Thanks guys ,second from the top was 14" when it was flat she was bent up in a bucket on ice over night cause I was tired after such a great afternoon on the water.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Nice Srt we went out saturday west of burwell 28 ft of water 3 people 97 nice perch.great day on the water.sorry no pics camera at home. sure did have a good fish dinner!!!
We went out again tonight went to the west also but we went to 35FOW with no luck but it was a nice ride out on big Lake I can't wait till bass opener not a fan of perch fishin but it was fun with my little guy


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
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