Bluff Bar Perchin' -- July 5


Well-Known Member
Got a tip from a very knowledgable angler that the perch were biting at Bluff, so 3 of us headed out there this am. To my amazement, there was only one boat there when we arrived at 10:30 and they were fishing for bass at the tip. We set up about 1 km from the green buoy in 16 FOW. About 3 hours later, we had 110 perch, 8" - 12" = 19.5 lbs of fillets. We also had a few other "visitors". Thank you very much, Mr. Tipster!

Those are good size perch you got guys----bass and pike not too shabby either.

Nice mixed bag of Fish Fellows.Thanks for the Report from your day on the Lake.Happy Eating.8D

Dave...nice catch!! Say howdy to Pat for Me if He is still around when you read this post.
One of these days I'd like to get into perch like that. With thunderstorms in today's forecast I'm staying home. Hope to get the grandchildren out for smallies tomorrow or Friday. I kept a baby walleye(4 pounds)for supper tonight. Can't complain.....folks think I'm either a braggard or crazy.
Duck Soup I was also looking forward to fishing for Smallmouth Bass Today on the Bay,but I did not want to trailer the Boat there & back a(3 Hr.Round Trip for me),with Thunderstorms in the Forecast.The weather turned out to be quite nice Today,There were no Thunderstorms.Oh well,It Is Better To Be Safe,there will be other days on the Bay.Good Luck On Your Next Outing.8D

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