Bass Opener June 2011 Grand River


Well-Known Member
Well Packrat and Ollie picked me up at 5:30 and we headed off to our usual haunt for bass opener. They took the "high road" and I took the "low" road.

Wasn't long before I was into my first decent smallie of the day.. 30 minutes later Packrat and Ollie joined me and that's when the fun began. :D The catfish were in pretty thick as well.. lots of rock bass, Ollie got two of the biggest pumpkinseeds I have ever seen hauled from the Grand.

Ollie did the most damage and Packrat got a few. I ended up with 4.. all caught on dewies..:P Stay tuned for a pic.
At least I got honorable mention:P

Hey Bassmaster,

Where abouts were you chasing smallies on the Grand? I fished Paris to Brantford and got 5. We got two big ones both pushing 3 lbs, one was 18.5 inches.

The water was high and like chocolate milk, hopefully clears up for tommorow.
Sounds like a good day on the water.

We fished at Paris.. the water was up but it wasn't chocolate milk where we were.. more like stained.

No photos in the field due to early morning drizzle.

Here are mine: :)

Not gonna harp on anyone for keeping fish withing their legal limit, just gonna give out some info to think about.

An 18" river Smallmouth is a very old and increasingly rare fish. Quite likely somewhere close to 20yrs old here in southern Ontario. I hope everyone keeps that in mind when considering harvesting such a great sport fish from our waters, especially rivers like the Grand, Saugeen and Thames. If you enjoy catching large bass in our rivers please realize they are a precious resource that are not easily or quickly replaced........

Were all responsible anglers here. I don't think the lesson was necessary here.

Nice job on the catch guys! Enjoy the fish fry!

" Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry " R.J.
Hey Josh,

I did not keep any fish. I am a sport fisherman and maybe have 2 or 3 feeds of erie perch a year.

I am well aware of the age of the river fish and anything over 16 nches like you mentioned is a very old fish.

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