Bass Fishing


Hi I have just got back in to boating and fishing,going to long point tomorrow,putting in at old cut.Was wondering were the best place to buy minnows, also when you drift for bass what are you using,and are you fishing on the bottom.Have not been on long point bay in twenty years hoping for a good day.Any help would be appreciated.
scuba2000,Welcome To The Board.To buy minnows and also to get the latest info on where the Hot Bite is call: 519-586-7990 or check him out on his website(location-etc.) and since you are planning on putting in at the Old Cut,there is also a Bait & Tackle Store right at the Boat Ramp.Both of these places will give you tips on what & how & where,to catch the Bass.I hope this Helps for now,and If you get a chance,please post your results of your day Fishing.I am planning on heading out also through this week sometime,for some Bass Action,a personnel update from any Angler of their day Fishing,(Good or Bad),is always Helpful.Enjoy The Bay.8D

Support Rotten Ronnies he is one of the sponsors of this site and if he's not out fishing the staff will direct you!
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