Bass Derby 2011.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if and where I can find the results of Saturadays Bass Derby. I was just curious of the size of winners. Thanks

julier,I just got back from 3 days of Fishing down at Long Point,and while down there,I checked out the results of the Bass Derby on Saturday,being held at Marina Shores.The Winning size of the Largemouth Bass was: 5.02 lbs. and the Winning size of the Smallmouth Bass was: 4.91 lbs. I hope that this Helps. Good Luck on your next outing.

Thanks for the info Red Hering, did you happen to catch the weight of the biggist fish other then a bass.

Yes,I believe it weight 10 lbs.,I am not sure though wether it was a Carp or a catfish,but it won the angler a $100 prize.Call Marina Shores at (519)586-2791,if you like,they will know for sure,what species it was.There are still a lot of Bass to be caught,todays fishing was better for boat control,the Wind was not as strong,as on the Bass Opener(Saturday). Take Care.8D

A 10 lb pike won biggest fish

Dan B.

Thanks again. That was the pike on the board when I came in around 2. I had a 9.88 pike myself. He wasn't quite big enough, but still a thrill to catch. Congrats to all the winners.:)

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