Anybody know how Lake Simcoe is doing?

try this, a guy has daily updates of gilford road and cooks bay, are they the same????? idk anyway use that, really good forum.

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
As far as perch go in Cooks Bay, I haven't been up for a few weeks but there were lots early in the season but mostly all small. We were getting over 200 a day between the two of us but were lucky to get 20 or 30 keepers. I understand that it is still about the same situation only the numbers have dropped too. The big ones are all hiding somewhere else. There is a lot of snow on the ice now and travel is difficult. Here is a link to one of the more popular Lake Simcoe forums:
two trips so far this year and nothing but a ton of dinks to show for it. last i heard the big ones are suspended in 30ft+ of water.

12+ hours of viewing my aqua vu and i didnt see a single fish over 10" either trip...
We got into a rediculous # of perch last Sunday with good amounts of 10"-12" ones in the mix.........North east part of cooks bay, south of Snake Island.........found the bigger ones alot shallower than anyone else was fishing........

Fished out of Beaverton with an operator on Saturday and it was slow...........
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