And so its started


Well-Known Member

What a crime to let this bs continue. Watch any of the YouTube videos of the fishing zoo on these river...snagging is the preferred technique. It should just be shut down to fishing period.

What a crime to let this bs continue. Watch any of the YouTube videos of the fishing zoo on these river...snagging is the preferred technique. It should just be shut down to fishing period.
Agree!! @DaveJ ! 👊👊 It should be shut down to fishing,permanently!! 👍👍🙂
It would truly be a shame to ban fishing anywhere where it isn’t absolutely isn’t necessary to protect a habitat or a species. It would be nice if the penalties were a bigger kick to the stones though. Punishments are a joke currently and though enforcement is sparse in most places often due to personnel and resources, I am glad to see they get some of these scummers!
Agreed all those salmon rivers should be at least shut down to river fishing/ snaging salmon until at least Sept 30th . To give them some kind of a chance. And buy then the colder weather should be around to detour most of the culprits who fish those rivers with sandles and shorts at this time .
Be careful what you wish for
Giving ideas to bureaucrat with power to stop you from fishing
Shutting down fishing is not the solution, sections of the Ganaraska is already under no fishing after August 15 th to allow salmon to past trough
with the system in place for offenders as of now is only a slap on the wrist
Just imagine next will be no fishing on Lake Erie
I had some replies to my post about perch catches in the spring that I should leave those fish alone as they spawning and im damaging the perch fishery, can't fish smallmouth on the eastern side of Erie in Canadian waters before bass opener yet I can move over to the US side and fish for them as much as I like , funny how the US bass fishery there is not collapsed rather it is thriving and fish as we know swims
I could go on and on with unnecessary regulations
Just think of covid lock downs we had , not aloud to go fishing , maybe it will come to fishing lock downs just because someone don't like fishing or don't like that others go fishing
It's a 🤡 world
It's a f##kin joke. I've seen it..its a snagfest in s fishbowl with every assh##e with a fishing rod ripping fish out of a fishbowl. Call the mnr, get a voice-mail to a message and no one does crap...oh, but I cross at Ft.Erie border and there are 12 cos stopping vehicles and checking to see if you're fishing??? Why aren't they on the rivers and fields cracking down? I get pulled over on Lake Erie 3 years ago and get a f##king fine because my flashlight is dead.
Our mnr environment and protection of our wildlife is useless. Close down the sections of the waterways that are common poaching spots or enforce the laws..easy S that.