lake erie

  1. skipper sam

    Looking for someone to fish with!

    Hello, I’m in the Tillsonburg area and I’m looking for someone to take out fishing as I will not go out on the lake alone for safety reasons. I like to get out at least a couple of time a week. I like to split the fuel and boat ramp if possible. I have all the equipment needed for walleye but if...
  2. Marshall Law

    Need some Dipsy Guidance

    Hello. I am back to fishing the elbow from having many years off. I am trying to figure out my dipsy depths. Can you help? I am running braid, with size 1 and magnum dipsys. Usually at 0 setting to 2 setting. My question is, how many feet should I be letting out for my depths? Eg. markings at...
  3. S

    Off Topic What is your ideal boat for Lake Erie?

    I see many different types of boats out fishing in Lake Erie and I was curious as to what the ideal setup is? If you had the money what would you buy brand new to go fishing on Lake Erie?
  4. Arawak

    Port Stanley - June 19

    Thought I'd give Port Stanley a try today instead of Glasgow. It's nearly 30 mins closer for me (northeast London). Pulled out at 6:30am, think I was on the water around 7:30am and put the lines out in 55ft around 8am. Mostly running leadcore are various depths from 3 to 7 colours, but also...
  5. Dmanwithnoname

    Off Topic Pandemic coping

    Pretty much nails it down. Good thing joe dale just made me a new mooring cover ffs.
  6. stomp

    Fishing Report Bluff Bar Pike Oct 21

    Out with @Three Bouys pre-fishing for the spring LPBAA pike derby.. 3 smaller fish so far... looking for a gator Northetn Pike...
  7. tailfeathers

    Tailfeathers Fishing

    Come for a perch fishing or walleye fishing trip aboard our 22.5 foot pro line cuddy cabin boat to the world's best perching east of Port Burwell on Lake Erie. If you're looking for a charter trip on Lake Erie, you can get a hold of Captain Tom: by phone @(519) 765-5321 or shoot him an e-mail...
  8. sogh

    Fishing Report Lake Erie Bass- gopro footage

    Some footage of Lake Erie Bass 2016. Let me know what you think.
  9. Three Bouys

    Fishing Report Pike Mania November 28th LPB

    One last boat ride before winterizing the Lund. The water conditions and wind was absolutely perfect to throw a lure here and there. So I started out by Ec10 in the weed beds with no success, the water was very cloudy. Made a run over to the Company and the water was clean and clear. Made a...
  10. M

    Fishing Report Beauty Afternoon for a Bluff Bar Run

    Well with the wind being down and a nice sunny Nov.2 afternoon, decided to give the boat a good run and head on out past Pottohawk to Bluff bar and give the fishing one last go. Marked loads of baitfish and big hooks on the fishfinder but couldn't get the fish to co-operate. Managed to catch one...
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