
Well-Known Member
Hey Ninja........ are you going to Pointe Au Baril this year?
We have the 20-23 of Oct. booked, just curious if you are gonna be there too.......

Yes sir, we are heading up again this year but not until November some time. Good luck to you, I don't think it will be tuff to catch a bunch. Make sure you post your results for me.

Shawanaga came through again this year Ninja! Timing was everything for the trip this time, missed the wind and rain by no more than a few hours, had a wet rough ride out to the cabin and then it was as "perfect" as it gets for the end of October for the rest of the weekend. Fishing was as good or better as last year, seemed to be alot in the slot this year, plenty of 18-19" (nice fight, sucks to throw back) but got a bunch in the 15" range for the frying pan too.
Sorry no pics..........

P.S. NEVER STOP LOOKING FOR ROCKS!!!! Took out the skeg of my buddies boat on the way back on Saturday afternoon, looks like a shark took a bite out of it, never did see what we hit till the survey the next morning. Turned out to be a shoal that is only marked till the cottagers leave for the season........guess we don't count....

Anyway, good luck. Let us know how you did, I'll see about getting pictures up on here, never tried before.

By-the-way Ninja, they finished the public ramp, it's steep but it works. Still gotta pay to park at the marina though....but saves you twenty for the launch.

Nice going man, soory about the boating incindent though. We are heading up next weekend, can't wait. Friends of mine from work went up this weekend and are killing them as well, all is looking good for another productive trip next week and we might even have some decent weather to fish in. I'll let you know how we did.
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