

Well-Known Member
Can someone explaine to me how the wind speed affects the choice to head out of say Bruce?
I have been used to running for cover at speeds of 10 knots or more in my bass boat on the inner bay. So I have no way to judge what would be a reasonable wind day for a 23ft boat going out to 60ft area from port Bruce.
10 knot winds will get you 2-4 Footers with winds in all directions in 60 fow. 2 being from the North. Your call from there.
Chech this site out. All you do is take the wave height and times it by 2.5. Anything from 1.0 and more is going to be rough, no matter what size of boat you have
Sorry here it is

Brian (Legend Man)
i like this site . this site is a good one to check also good luck and be careful

if you dont go you wont know ;)
15 km gives a good 3-4 ft. wave, alright if you troll with the wind. 20 km. just isn't fun to fish in.

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