Winds on Lake Erie


Active Member
I'm not familiar with what winds are good for fishing Lake Erie. I would like to get out and troll around the Port Burwell area. Example would be this weekend. Sat west 25 km? Sunday 15km north? Any help would be appreciated.
Off shore winds are always best for an easier ride. Watch the wind speeds as the waves can build. The farther they have to push the water the bigger they get. West winds will mean bigger waves for example.

My opinion only some may differ

I find the marine forecast is more accurate than weathernetwork.
usually bang on for the next 24hr period, not as much for the long range. Light winds are fine no matter the direction but even a north wind if strong will get pretty rolly if your 12-14 miles off shore. N,NW,NE up to 10-15 knots aren't too bad if you're out perch distances from shore.
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