will the ice be safe for the weekend?


Well-Known Member
is anyone going to venture on foot out on the ice this friday or on the weekend? sunday looks good,-3, but friday and saturday might do some damage......

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
Was out at old cut today and seen a fisherman out about 80% of the way to ec 10 by walking! A little watery on top of ice today,a bunch of little billy perch today but tues the two of us managed 50 keepers with 5 big hogs.
I fished St.Williams yesterday and walked off about 5pm. ice was melting fast and Granger's was pulling his huts off. We had good 10" of black ice and water was gin clear.There is 2 pressure cracks, the first we had to walk east a long ways to go around and another out pasted the huts which a few guys took a chance crossing, not this cat, I didn't want to get wet:( With this warm weather, I think I'm staying on shore, could brake up if we get a good wind, you never know out there[?][xx(]
Fish farmer, you didnt say whether you limited out on jumbos or not? How was it?

I caught 4 jumbos, 1 was 13 1/2" other 3 were 12" Lots of dinkers. 1 bonus Pike 30" and released. I brought home about 30 Perch, most 8to9". Was a nice day, didn't need the heater. Having Perch for super tonight.



Tried my new Pack Shack, worked great but I don't know how it likes LPB wind. I don't know of a windier place in the world like LPB can get.
I've used a Pakshak for a couple of years now. Really like it! For the wind I installed 4 grommets (plastic ones)to the skirt and tied a short loop of parachute cord to and I use ice anchors to hold it before I flip it over. It actually handles the wind very well this way.

This year I picked up a 2 man Clam Nanook. Tried it today with my son and it worked well also. TC
Thanks for the tip trky chsr, I'll pick some up. I have a Clam Guide and I find it to hard to pull in the snow. OK behind a ATV,or clean ice.
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