Where to go


Well-Known Member

Now that i have my new toy i want to get her in the water Sunday. Looking to launch from Dover because marina is more open and i am nervous about launching 23ft boat for first time.
I would like to get the first fish in the boat before it gets put away for the year.
So how far do i have to run to get on the walleye from Dover? and in which direction? Thanks
Launching from Dover the elbow would be the best spot for you
Elbow Gas Well
42°40.419 80°05.296 rainbow and picks but more rainbow. If your looking for perch goto Normandale but might be a little late to get them there. If you goto Normadale from Dover stay out about a mile from Port Ryerse there is a rock shoal right off there,dont want to destroy your prop on the first voyage. See link to other gps coordinates on stomps http://www.longpoint.on.ca/map.htm EC10 is another good place for perch
Port Dover is a good marina to depart from, remember when leaving the harbor you will see a red bouy. Go to it and keep it on your left as you go around to the south. From there you will see three more bouys. Keep them on the left when going south and keep them on the right when returning to Dover. Just east of these bouys there is a large reef and shallow water, many rocks ready to damage your I/O.
Good luck, good fishing and good boating!
A good easy way to remember which side the red and green spar bouys should be on, is use red, right, and return. The three R's. So always upon your return the red spar is always on your right. When leaving the channel it should be on your left.
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