Wheatley ,Erieau


Well-Known Member
Hello I heard that the walleye are biting in Leamington. My son has a P D on Friday . I was going to take the day off and go fishing . I have never fished down that way . Can we launch in Erieau or Wheatly and still find the walleye or should we go to leamington? How far out do you need to go ?Are the fish deep this time of year ? Thanks again for your help . (I am still learning !! )
you have to go to Leamington.If you've gone that far do yourself a huge favour and go to Bakies baits in Kingsville and Bill there will set you up with gear.(he makes his own worm harnesses) He will give you very valuable advice and info and put you right on the fish.The first time I went five years ago,I had never been. We did exactly as he said, and we had our limit in 2 hours.good luck.
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