what is the soonest you get on open water


Well-Known Member
it's not looking good for me to get out on the hard water again this season (only out 2 times this year). But I'm itching to get out in the boat. I would love to try for some of those cold water pike and of course some perch

my boat is still nicely wrapped up outside. I have a few things I would like to do to it this year coin permitting. I have such a itch to just go out on nice day and uncover it just to look about but I'm sure i will never get it wrapped up like it is now.
By boat is unwrapped as soon as we have a full week of above freezing temperature and on the water by late March, depending on ice of course. Your welcome in my boat for some early season perch or pike.

Dan B.


I think 2 years ago I was out early - mid march but I had to launch in the creek because all the other launches were still frozen over and I was dodging iceburgs all day! lol I also managed to hit a submerged hut out in front of st. willies!

I have a baby due mid-march and am quite busy this year, but my birthday is April 3rd, which is a sunday and I plan on fishing that day! It'll likely be my first time on the bay in 2011

the earliest I was ever on the lake was feb. 6 and we ended up getting 3 rainbows at the hydro outflow. but you can go all year at the niagra river if you want. the launch at queenston is fab. and salted really great.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
April 1st for walleye in Detroit River :)

Big Rod
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