What happened to all the duck hunters

It’s probably been 6-7 years since I’ve been down there for a duck hunt and there was no place like it....as you will never see so many duck hunters or so many ducks in one place i’ve always kept an eye on the forum throughout the years to see what’s going on and how many birds are are coming in to The bay
Just wondering why the sustaining members barely post there hunts anymore as it was always a good read and what the bird Numbers are like coming in to the bay.....
I understand what you’re saying but wouldn’t you think the more hunters there the longer the park will be accessible to duck hunting?
If you go down to the unit on any given day especially Saturday you will see that there are plenty of hunters. I don't think numbers are a problem. Outside of the waterfowl unit public places are minimal so again those places are kept quiet to keep the people that hunt them down.
Theres tonnes of duck hunters down there. To put it simply. People used to fish for perch off hastings. Usually a couple boats. It was put on internet now sometimes 250 boats plus commercial nets. Not to mention the americans coming over. Because of the internet. Asia, russia, britain, italy, nwt, etcetc all have the exact coordinates! Just follow the ducks and knock on farmers doors
Yup I wish it was that easy.
Still would like to here About the duck Numbers coming in. I completely understand where you guys are coming from safe hunting
And hope to see ya’s soon
Hi trent...there are lots of ducks in the long point area but most aren't cooperating with the hunters lol... some divers are being taken
...theres been two cans brought into the unit office so far...the duck numbers at the unit are holding steady with a few blinds getting
good numbers while other blinds are only getting one or two...everyones hoping a big migration of new birds will improve the shooting
Thanks wetfoot Willie that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I’ve always tried to do a comparison with the marsh I hunt in,
in eastern Ontario, Conroy’s marsh to be exact are birds are steadily declining in that area at least divers Three kids and a wife and self-employed stuck in the big smoke I don’t seem to have all that much time to do all the hunting that I want to do so there’s nothing better than hearing about somebody having a good hunt and nothings really posted anymore on this site for some peoples obvious reasons as mentioned above
I’ve only ever shot two Canvas backs in my life been hunting for over 30 years Both of thous were taking at Long point. Love hunting those divers. Anyways happy hunting to you guys glad to see y’all stick your nose in the form and it’s almost like you guys are eager to write something. in are Marsh the more guys out The merrier keeps the birds moving around
Cheers happy hunting and be safe
I was there 3 times this year all walkout blinds with my buddy we got 3 ducks and got skunked last time we went. We went once on Friday and twice on Monday not many hunters around on those days we will be back next week.Saw lots of duck flying high when we went last week flock after flock looked to me like they were heading towards Turkey Point or at least in that direction.
Thanks Pawel for the info doesn’t look like I’m going to get down there this year for a hunt but do like to hear about all the birds coming and going best of luck when you do get out,,,,
Happy hunting