What are your top 3 favourite fish to target?

Ryan V

Well-Known Member
Thought I would start a fun thread:

Mine are

1. Smallmouth Bass - they are plentiful, curious and often aggressive (I compare their actions to a cat as they can be teased into biting) , acrobatic and fight very hard for their size.

2. Largemouth Bass - love targeting them along bulrushes/lilypads with top waters or senkos in calm conditions.

3. Walleye - Not a fan of trolling, but I enjoy casting and jigging for them and they are delicious!
Large mouth bass , from my kayak casting top water lures early in the morning

Pike , through the ice or from the boat a big pike never disappoints

Perch , ain’t the most exciting fishing but they taste so dang good
1) Perch because I can sit on my favorite pier and usually catch enough of them to fill my freezer so I'm not having to pay the prices the grocery stores are asking through the winter.


1) Walleye. Pretty much for the same reasons everyone else has said. They just taste so damn good and again so I'm not having to pay the prices the grocery stores are asking at least for as long as I have some in the freezer. They always seem to disappear faster than the perch does.

and the third on my list is one we can't get here

Arctic Grayling because pound for pound, for a fish that has a really soft mouth, and really isn't all that big (current recognized world record is 2.69 kg (5 lb 15 oz) caught in the Katseyedie River that feeds into Great Bear Lake NWT in 1967) the Arctic Grayling I managed to hook into and land fishing the Mackenzie River when I lived in the NWT fought better than any big fish I've caught in my life, ie pike, walleye, bass, lakers, bows, etc. (I lost far more than I ever landed because of how soft their mouth is and I horsed them too much before I learned to stop doing that)
Salmon/trout. Trolling now but miss casting off the piers for them in spring and fall
Bass but not many small lakes have them like they did when I was young.
Walleye for the meat. Not much fight from them trolling.

Abundant, great table fare if not too big and fun to catch and release if they are.
Rainbow trout - always a blast to hook and fight
Walleye - great to eat
Largemouth bass - casting top-water bait and waiting for the explosion and manic behaviour on hook up is always a huge thrill.
- Perch/Bluegills/Crappie, still brings out the kid in me. Two more if i grouped panfish together,
- SM Bass
- Speckled/Brook Trout