West End May 28 am


Well-Known Member
Just few hours is all I've had this morning...rare trip without the kids but they had to go to a birthday party, so a good friend of mine came along and we started a bit late in the fog... (7:30am)...the usual search mode first to find where the hungry Kings are and lines in by about 8:30am....fog was bad....only relying on the GPS but what a shock when we saw a huge ship right in front of us ha ha ha....got to put a radar on just in case ,....anyhow....good bite....mixed bag with some really nice Kings....
Off the water by Lunch....
Few other boats in the area all fishing much shallower than us....

We were in 160 fow....spoon bite....got dozen or so to the boat...lost few others plus some other hits/misses....,
Despite the miserable weather this year we may get the season going after all...

Few shots from the day. Keep in mind he is 300 Lbs so compare that to the size of the fish ha ha ha:




Ice Fisherman
Nice going Emil. You did better than us but we were pretty happy with our day as well.
Looks like a beauty day...umm by west are you sorta saying west of pelee point? Wow thats deep...ok I got to come over there.
Nice kings. I was out on Lake O last weekend fishing for king salmon for the first time. What an amazing fight! I was checking out the guide to eating ontario sport fish and it recommended the general population to eat 1 serving of lake o chinook up to 26 inches monthly and 0 servings for the sensitive population. It got me wondering, if the salmon are so polluted from lake o then why do so many people keep so many salmon? On charters and just personal boats you always see pictures of the box filled with huge salmon. Are people giving them away to friends and family or freezing them and consuming them all themselves? Any thoughts?


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