

Well-Known Member
How was the local opener today huh huh -------got up at 4:30,looked at ALL that rain, phoned my partner and we said NO WAY. Went back to some much needed "beauty sleep".

First opener we've passed on in a few years now---and just to confirm my suspicions looked at one creek near town this afternoon and it was completely blown out.

As well any news on first day of perch derby at Dover?

I saw a lot of brownwWater on Lake O tribs....
Ended up heading home for the fly rod to chase some resident fish. Beautiful afternoon :D
I know
It's only Rock and Roll but I like it!

Sore shoulder , sore back.......take 6 beers and do it all again in the morning!

Up at 3 am..... half inch of rain in the gauge. Leave at 4:45, .75 in the gauge.

Original plan 4 browns scrapped because I know that system will be clay brown. Talked to the neighbour tonight and 17 guys at the camp hit around 35 browns. DAMMMMMMMMM

Hit first sure thing at day break and .........NOTHING!

Joined the crowds and went 0 for 2 on the big fellas, 17 yearlings on their way out to the lake, 1 resident brown and 3 suckers. My partner, 0.

Around noon headed to a pretty little brown creek and my buddy hits 2 18" fat residents while I stare at the sky asking why every twig and branch reaches out and grabs my casts.

Did a quick check for tomorrows conditions and the forecast is MUD, with heavy amounts of suspended sediment. I think I'll get my beauty sleep! Good Night!



"Rivers are living things, sometimes swollen and discoloured, other times thin and anaemic. Spend enough time around a particular river, you learn to read its moods, like a spouse reads a partner."

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