weekend shoot

ship wrecked

Well-Known Member
fri 0 sat 0 seen some birds not close enough
hey man we need to get out and shoot some buffies together. had lots come in and land in the coys yesterday only problem was my friend from parry sound sucks at shooting. he ended up getting 1 bird out of 15 or so that were in range. I let him do all the shooting and missing LOL let me know if it is not frozen I am off between the 24 and the 3rd of Jan.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
It went from 7 birds he missed to 15, your hunting
Stories are almost as good as the fishing stories u tell
Me about, LOL. By the way, how was ur swim??? ROFLMAO!
I couldn't hit buffies worth a damn the other day either. Fun as heck to try though.
it wasn't as warm as I thought it would be the thong got in the way LOL or puke! no bufflehead he had 7 land in the coys there were many times he could have shot but did not see the birds. but when your blind what do you expect.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
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