Wednesday Walleye & Bows Port Burwell

tin can

Well-Known Member
Hey duck Soup, good posting, looks like you had a great day. It was a beautiful morning get out with my brother and feind Larry from South Coast Charters. We had a great day, boating 8 eyes, & 2 bows in 60 fow. Dipseys and 7 color lead fired the most, the action died down at noon so we packed it in for the day. Lots of action since we lost a few fish as well.
Cheers Randy,

Keep your hooks "Sticky Sharp"
Hi Randy,
Yeah, we couldn't even catch sheephead by noon. I'm confident that we could have done better had we adapted sooner. We spent too much time trying to move when the walleye stopped biting at about 9:00 am. I'm pretty sure the answer to the problem was to go to 100% planer boards and both riggers with 150 foot leads. I hung an old Hot-n-tot off the boards, clean, at 10:30 and we caught 2 and lost a couple in an hour. Had we hung 4 lines off the boards plus 2 riggers long at 9:30 we would have probably caught a lot more. Nothing close to the boat worked by mid morning except for rainbows. Anyway, it's easy to have 20/20 hindsight.
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