Weather Forecasts


Well-Known Member
Where is a good, reliable place to get comprehensive weather forecasts for Long Point Bay?

"Tomahawk Cruise Missles: When you care enough to send the very best!"
I usually go with, it is most of the time reliable but can be a little of the mark sometimes. It is going to be nice saturday, east wind, sunny and warm. Sunday looks like more of a stormy day.

Duke's Outdoors Pro staff
As duxbury01 indicated the weathernetwork is fairly reliable. You can also check the Environment Canada Marine forecast for Eastern Lake Erie and the US Weatherservice forecast for the Lake.
This looks like a pretty good one as well:

"Oh .. bother" said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
PS; TheWeatherNetwork's actual site [weather station] is just behind the Unit's office so one would believe it should be reliable. Bird Studies Canada[Port Rowan] has a weather station too !
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