Waterfowl Unit 50th Anniversary Banquet

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Tickets are now available for the Long Point Waterfowl Management Units 50th Anniversary Dinner and Fundraising Auction to be held on October 22, 2011 at the Port Rowan Community Centre. Cost is $50 per person. They are available through any of the LPWA directors or officers. For more information email lpwa@kwic.com
Hello Arnold,

I attended the last one in 2007 and it was a great event ... very well organized.

If you have any posters I will post one in our clubhouse at the retirement community in Port Rowan.

I was too short of cash at the AGM to buy one there.

Thanks Jerome,
We are hoping that LPWA members,the local community and area waterfowlers again support the event. As always, the committee's input is 100% volunteered and every penny generated will go staight back into the Unit. We're trying to make this 50th Anniversary celebration the best ever and that will not be easy to do. I think Dave said that Bob Chamberlain is getting involved therefore it will likely be pretty special.
Originally posted by Buddy Boy

Hello Arnold,

I attended the last one in 2007 and it was a great event ... very well organized.

If you have any posters I will post one in our clubhouse at the retirement community in Port Rowan.

I was too short of cash at the AGM to buy one there.


I'll have to ask John. We're having a meeting on June 10th.
Originally posted by John

Sounds Great Arnie. What's on the menu?

Are tickets still available? And who would be the closet person to the Dunnville area taht would have tickets?
Tim Culp
Glenn, if you want to send me your e-mail address I can pay you with an EMT. Then at the very worst pick up the tickets at the door, since they will be paid for.
Also is there any taxi service from Port Rowan out to Long Point?
no panic to square up i will hold the tickets for you or i can put them in a box and let them float down the river .
flip me an email i will give you my address you can mail me a cheque and i will mail back the tickets

How about I meet you at crappy tire at around 5:15

" Thats 12 already ? count them again Larry "
That sounds ok. I have to go to Lawry's, then I can meet you.
Are you working in Stoney Creek?
Yes our Hamilton office has been on Glover road in Stoney Creek since last January

" Thats 12 already ? count them again Larry "
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