Walleye Tournament !!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys/gals, there's a walleye tourny on Aug 6 at Port Bruce. You can check out the details From the Strait Line Anglers Club.


Good luck to everyone!!!

Brian (Legend Man)
Too bad there is a 6 rod limit. It would be kinda cool to see the charter guys to head to head. I doubt there clients are going to be alright with running one rod per person.
Only 9 and 14 boats last two years but this year there will be more !!! i like the 6 rod rule that kinda works for me !!!
Hey Big Dave...........not sure how many have reg. this far but when I ramp the boat down there I'll check with Greg and see if he has numbers.......................apps
Six rods is great!Three people two rods each
= six rods. this make entry fee $25.00 each. Should be a great tournament.8D[}:)]
Aounds like fin, when I saw Monty on [:o)]here I thought he might donate an HD unit [:o)]

what r boat checks? I'm outta burwell. Do I have to b there to make sure i'm not cheating and have more than 6 rods on board?
Looks like it will be a good time weather permitting.
Checked out the link for the tournament but found the "Rules" tab does not work. Would be nice to be able to check out the rules before hand.

Best Wishes: Rick
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