Walleye Paradise - Lake Esnagami

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Short fly-in from Nakina, Ontario. Spent 5 gorgeous days fishing this awesome Lake with my wife. The facilities are appropriate for most lady anglers and my own lady thought it was great. We landed and released over 150 fish, mostly walleye in the 18-22" category. Only regret was not catching a 3-5 pound speckled trout that almost everyone else there trying for them caught.

Looks like a great getaway. I assume you don't want a walleye supper anytime soon;)

Brian (Legend Man)
Hey Arnie,

This is the place I need to go one day8D
Is it me or are you back home 1 day ahead of schedule?
Either way...been waiting for you...email me and lets go....now that you have warmed up:D

Ice Fisherman
Thx for the report Duck Soup; beauty fish your better half is holding. Did she catch most of those 150?:D
Actually Stomp she did. My goal was to go somewhere she could also enjoy. The fishing was easy ....great for the ladies, children and grandchildren. Absolutely no need to fish any special way.
Originally posted by stomp

Thx for the report Duck Soup; beauty fish your better half is holding. Did she catch most of those 150?:D

Smokerman, the lodge was "Esnagami Wilderness Lodge". They have exclusive rights to the lake and 1 mile around it. Cost was $1500 per person, American Plan, for 5 days including flight in and out. Accommodations and food were both very good and the staff support was absolutely outstanding.
quote]Originally posted by smokerman

Just wondering what lodge did you stay at? Mar Mac? Lodge 88?
Always best to let the ladies win those contests; that way you have a better shot at going back to fish there again. Sounds and looks like a great trip and one I would like to make one day.

Originally posted by Duck Soup

Actually Stomp she did. My goal was to go somewhere she could also enjoy. The fishing was easy ....great for the ladies, children and grandchildren. Absolutely no need to fish any special way.

Good for you, Duck! Was it strictly C&R or were you allowed to keep some to eat including brookies? Does that lake have a slot-size restriction for walleyes? Looks like they have some of those great wooden boats ( from Powassan? ) that were so popular in the north 40+ years ago.
Yes, we had first class cedar strip boats but not sure if they were Powassan. Maria and I released eveything except shore lunch but I believe anglers could take home 4 walleye under 18" if they wished. You were also permitted to keep one brookie. Most anglers released 100% but not all. Kind of sad to kill a speckled trout that size. I caught thousands while living in Quebec and never even had the thrill of losing one over 3 pounds.
Originally posted by canvasbacksca

Good for you, Duck! Was it strictly C&R or were you allowed to keep some to eat including brookies? Does that lake have a slot-size restriction for walleyes? Looks like they have some of those great wooden boats ( from Powassan? ) that were so popular in the north 40+ years ago.

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