Walleye - Detroit River - April 30


Staff member
Had the pleasure today to get out on the Detroit River with site sponsor Big Rod's Guide Service. Chip knows his walleye fishing. He helped two of us boat 3 good eating size 'eyes and a decent sized silver bass. With this year's poor weather it's been a tough go on the River, but Chip showed us how and where to fish. We landed a few when most others we spoke to did not fare nearly as well. We had a great time on the water.

Of note, I landed a personal best 'stickerel'. This thing put up a helluva fight, pulling my rod and then nearly all of me head-first right into the drink. I was about 80% submerged when Chip hauled me back aboard (with rod firmly back in hand and stickerel solidly hooked):0. Good day to have my survival suit on! It was nice to have a quick-acting charter captain at the ready who can lift 200 lbs of nearly dead weight. Alas, there is no video record of this show!

I highly recommend a trip out with Big Rod's for those wanting to learn about and experience spring-time 'eye fishing on the Detroit.
I am glad you had a good time and you dried out for the ride home .:DHopefully i will see you two in June.
The fishing on the "D" has been hit and miss this spring.I hope the trolling season produces more walleye and better fishing conditions.Nobody has perch fished in almost a month due to muddy and rough conditions.
Oh ya water temp in the river was 48 when Stomp went swimming.

Big Rod
Wow!! Thanks for the report, sorry about your mishap, luckily you were wearing that survival suit!!!!

Anything That Swims
Fish em All
I had been getting a little hot in the suit, so the cool water felt pretty good. Luckily, my car keys, sunglasses and wallet did not go over and the fishing rod came back from the depths . Chip got to practice a few rescue techniques that weren't covered in his MED A3 course. My buddy and the guys in the surrounding boats had a few laughs. It all worked out. I wouldn't recommend others trying it though :D.
i have fished with big rod and never felt the need to jump overboard and swim for it lol i have done some oops myself but not that deep yet. all in all sounds like a good day i was at home keeping the lights on instead of fishing see you all in the lasalle derby sat
chip feel free to stop by sat afternoon for a beer and a burg
It was much closer to a dive than a jump. Big Rod gave me a 9.9 for it but the Ukranian judge only gave me an 8.9.
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