Walleye/Bows - Burwell - Wednesday, July 27th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
A beautiful morning. Albert, Emil(Icefisherman)and I headed SE from Port Burwell and set up in 59 fow some time after 7:00 am. The fish were high (i.e. no more than 25' down) and we had 7 walleye by 9:00 am with the riggers, dipsy's and 3 colour lead core all firing. We figured "limit catch" but the fish had other ideas. The walleye rejected our presentations after mid morning and only the boards worked reasonably well after that. It look us a while to figure out that the pre 9 am game was done. After getting up at 4 in the morning thinking happens slowly. Long leads on the riggers may have worked. We ended up with 10 eyes and 2 bows quitting shortly after noon.
Nice going guys, was about the same on Monday. Good for the first few hours then slowed down with more sheep and bow hits later on.
Good shooting guys!!
That is a beautiful walleye that Emil is holding up! Gorgeous colour, no marks!
Looks awesome!! Looking forward to a good weekend of fishing!


Great fishing guy's, I didn't have the radio on most of the morning, as I didn't want to hear how good it was out there;). Arnie, those limit catches are going to spoil you, and make Emil think it is a normal thing out there...lol. Mother nature allways looks after herself ya know;)
Nice picture Emil!!!!

Brian (Legend Man)
Alway great fun going out with Arnie and Albert...quite the duo let me tell you ha ha ha....lots ot learn from both of them while chating and waiting for the next eye to decide to bite:D

Time for a change of venue trip to Lake O. now Arnie...got to leave those eyes to get bigger for 10 days before we check them again....I know there are some 30 Lb-ers in lake O. asking about you:D8D So...be ready:P

Ice Fisherman
That's a great picture... Water looks mint... Good fishing fella's...
Cudel....Early, a worm harness 75 feet back on the Dipsey worked, gold/orange/black spoons down 25' on the riggers worked, 3-5 colour lead core with a white and blue spoon was really hot. After mid morning the only thing that got hit was a Hot-n-tot run clean off the board.
Originally posted by cudel

what were you getting them fish on ducksoup?

will hunt for food

Good report Duck Soup...I heard the story last night from Albert..he was pretty pleased with the day...Was a great day to be on the water yesterday....

If Cans r flyin,they will b dyin...
Hey Arnie,how long of leads were you running?I know we ran 150 feet behind the balls with no success.I am wondering if body baits might be the way to go.I dont know,all these thoughts and little time to put them to work...lol
Another thought,how come no-one stops and drifts, casting erie dearies like we used to in the late eighties,have we become to technical?I am great one to mention this cause we dont do it either..lol

Kirk, once they shut down nothing worked EXCEPT I ran an old Hot-n-Tot 100 feet back off the boards clean with no sinkers starting at 10:30 and 4 walleye took it the first hour. We landed 2. After 11:30 even sheephead stopped biting. Emil caught one eye trying 7 colours on the lead core after 9 am but it was the only bite he had that deep. We could only see the odd fish below 25 feet on the sonar. We never tried long leads (i.e over 60 feet) on the riggers but I do know from experience that they work. You have to go back 200 feet some days but your body bait must be above the fish and light line is a must (long leader if using modern no stretch). Very hard to do if running other stuff as we were. Used 6 rods.
quote]Originally posted by kirkplewes

Hey Arnie,how long of leads were you running?I know we ran 150 feet behind the balls with no success.I am wondering if body baits might be the way to go.I dont know,all these thoughts and little time to put them to work...lol
Another thought,how come no-one stops and drifts, casting erie dearies like we used to in the late eighties,have we become to technical?I am great one to mention this cause we dont do it either..lol

You're killing me guys!
I'm off next week and my boat is out of comission.
If there's an empty seat out there I'd love to fill one:)

Beauty fish arnie!


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