Viewing Platform on Old Cut ?

Old Cut LongPointer

Well-Known Member
Let be known that a "viewing platform" is (at this time)being built on Old Cut Point Channel without proper notification or due consideration to the cottagers that will be effected by it.

Please read Canvasbackca's thread regarding "The Causeway" as a prelude to this posting.
I disagree that "proper notification" or "due consideration" has not been given. It's not a planning act application or any sort of application that requires public comment; therefore, notification is not required. Just as your neighbour would not be required to notify you that he is building a deck or a shed.
My viepoint is that something of this nature (ie; a public viewing platform) that is being built on public land does deserve that the public be notified.

I have asked Dave Ankney aka Canvasbackca for further clarification and information regarding this matter as it appears he is involved in this project.
Well, on Federal or Provincial lands (I don't know if these are proposed on Ontario or CWS lands), I think that you'll find a huge majority of Canadians or Ontarians in favour of something like this that would increase their enjoyment of the lands. Similarly, we elect people to represent Ontarians or Canadians on these sorts of minor applications. If the Ministers of Natural Resources, the Environment, and Tourism and Culture have no objections to the towers, who are we to subvert democracy?
i hope they will not be able view ducks falling out of the sky!!! i would hate to see a bunch of Greenpeace protesters taking photos of my hunt!! well ok maybe not my hunt. lol but you know what iam saying. and i hope they will have there own trail to this look out i would hate walk by them with a hand full of green heads. ok i know maybe not me but you know what iam getting at lol

If the Causeway Committee can publish material,hold public meetings etc.,etc. regarding improvements then why was the viewing platform that is being erected directly across from the channel from peoples cottages near the end of Old Cut Blvd. not given due process ?

Or are you involved in this project ?
OK, OK...I'll stop the bleeding! Mr. Kozak, I was personally involved with arranging for Granger to dredge the corner out for the benefit of all boaters including duckhunters. (at times there is less than two feet of water) We followed the rules and the spoil was to be levelled so can confirm 100% there is absolutely not going to be a viewing platform built there. Canvas was simply doing what he does best by stirring the pot ;)
Originally posted by Old Cut LongPointer


If the Causeway Committee can publish material,hold public meetings etc.,etc. regarding improvements then why was the viewing platform that is being erected directly across from the channel from peoples cottages near the end of Old Cut Blvd. not given due process ?

Or are you involved in this project ?

I'm not involved with this project beyond being a community member, and, as stated, I feel like a majority of Canadians or Ontarians would approve of this project, and if given approval by elected ministers, has been given "due process". Long Point has rarely ever been considered anything but a temporary use place, and it is considered that today. Cottagers represent a very small minority of Long Point users; however, I'm willing to bet that they represent a significantly larger portion of any localized committee. This is a temporary/seasonal use area and proposed on lands belonging to Ontario or Canada, not a small minority of adjacent landowners. If more than 900 Canadians use a viewing platform every year, then they clearly have more votes on the use of public lands than all of Long Point's seasonal residents.
Well it all seems moot at this point as it was I that "took the bait" of a joke from someone who should have known better. I guess I take that "stand on guard for thee" part too seriously.
Yeah ....he done got me good ! Who would of thought a university proffessor(retired) could have that warped sense of humour ? Like I say about my Dad (the Oldest Cut LongPointer, he's 87) "They get old and funny but it"s not always funny Ha-Ha !
