Troutin May 02/011 (again)


Well-Known Member
Needed a fishing fix so headed out last night to a couple local streams.

First stop---little dream stream I've been wanting to try----really "looks" good but just a big tease. Could only come up with a couple creek minnows. Notice I said "couple":P

Second stop---little brookie stream I try once/twice a year cuz its so fragile---cant/wont take a lot of pressure. First and last stop flip part of a dewie out and let it move around---feel little tap----somebody home. Try again, little tap,set hook, feel some weight----NOW WHAT!!!!!.

See that familiar flash of silver and after a fierce battle:D haul out a nice 12" bow complete with spawning colours.

This is bow #2 from the same spot and seeing as this is a brookie stream took it home to lessen the competition for the native fish.
BTW first bow was much larger prob close to #1 so it went home for the same reason.

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