trout help


Well-Known Member
ok I have found a non presured spot and I have see at least 2 bigger trout
been to the spot twice without luck
I'm floating roe

looking for some ideas to help me get hooked up on one of these guys

no smart remarks like i get them for you
these are on a friends land and he doesn't like people there (unless he knows them well)
Skinny if you can see them they are prolly still spawning give em a few days and toss some spinners in the deeper holes above and below were they are or a big fat dewy.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Gloveand Live Eye Jigs for their support
these are in a back stream in behind a friends place
i see them only by sneaking up on them if they get any clue your there they take off and fast
they seem to be all hanging out in cover spots
The Last number of trout I caught were all on fresh dew worms. I tried roe without any success. Good luck Skinny. Huron
ok well was at the spot today when i got there I could see 4 big ones.
and they were spawning (I know I use to raise fish)then they stopped. and seemed to go away but I noticed some large shawdows moving around in what seemed deep water.

I tossed worms ,roe and few different lures (lost a little cleo)
and nothing
when I was fishing worms I got a chub and it had a egg in it's mouth

ok so now what is a good plan
looking for any and all pointers
Skinny----like srt8 said, if they're still in a spawning mode rest the area for a few days. Once they're done float a dewie through the area-----then hang on and enjoy the ride:D

Or maybe try a bigger river. Sight fishing is always tough, because if you can see them, chances are they can see you. Sounds like a tiny creek and lots of brush, and crap, not ideal.

If they are in the same spot all the time take a very wide walk around them upstream,they can hear you walking on the banks if it is a small creek and you walk to close to the bank, then try floating a fly or wax worm down stream on light line (max 6lb test). Sometime smaller is better
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