Trolling advice needed


My son and I have decided to try deeper trolling this year. We have an 18.5' fiberglass run-about. I was planning on trying pike at the bluffs and possibly further out for walleye or trout if the day seems nice.
Would you recommend dipsy divers or should we invest in downriggers?
Could we troll with our inboard or would we need a kicker motor?
Any other advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as we have no experience with this type of fishing.
to save yourself the expense of Downriggers, go with Lead Core.
High success rate with both the Chromies and Walleys, and no riggers to buy/mount.
If you like to trolling, then maybe invest further from there !

17' Tracker ProDeep V
from Burlington
If you want to troll out at the bluff riggers are a big help later but not necessary. You can use your in-line boards at the bluff and I actually prefer them there, they will also pull up to 10 colours of lead. Dipsy are one of my keys at the bluffs and when out deep but colour of the diver is the key (if you stop by and talk to me I will show you why it would take to long to explain here. As for the kicker motor I would just to keep the cost of fuel down and the hours off the main. I troll at the bluffs at 1.8-2.5 and for walleye and steel 2.2-3.4.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Downriggers are great, but not essential, especially if you're just testing the trolling waters, so to speak.
Yes, two lead core rods down the chute, with two dipsey rods, one out either side, will catch you lots of fun.
As for the kicker, sure it would be a great help(but expensive), for both trolling and as a safety device should your main motor die out on the water. But you can achive the slower speeds by throwing out a drift sock(or two) if you need to slow down even more.

I had to learn how to walk before I could run...

keep it simple, and if(when)you get hooked, it will be a natural progresion from there. Your better half will like the cheaper route too.
Just last month I installed two new electric Cannon downriggers, after fifteen years of using manuals.
Oh, and do yourself(and your son)a favour and make a trip to Lake Ontario this July and sample the Salmon fishing. Hook into a big one and hold on. You'll get hooked, I did, as did many others too.:D Check out "Spoonpullers".
Good Luck.
If you want to learn about inline planer boards go to
www.CHURCHTACKLE.COM They have a good selection of different size boards. The TX44 will pull the 200,300 walker dipsy. The website has videos of the inline boards being used. I found it very informative
for first time users, and old guys. :p
Trust this helps you out.They also carry the weighted sinkers, and tackle.
Believe Rotten Ronnies is a dealer.Jimmy is very helpful.
Tight Lines[}:)]
Thanks for all the info you guys. I knew if I posted on this forum the guidance would be beneficial. We've decided to invest in a little kicker motor (thanks Jimmy) and we'll troll at the bluffs with our current gear and look into leadcore and dipsy divers later in the summer.
I really like the idea of a charter experience either on Lake Erie or to Lake Ontario.
Thanks again all and we will drop into Jimmy's place for a little talk.
Woops almost forgot. Bluffs, I've read can be fun for trolling late spring through to fall. Is the front of Gravelly Bay another good option as well? I am scared of the deep water off the point.
Originally posted by camelot
I am scared of the deep water off the point.

I don't know how tall you are, but if the water is much deeper than 6' it is all the same to me! ;)
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