Off Topic Tripping down memory lane


Well-Known Member
Loooong time ago when the big wooden pier was at Turkey Point----boaters would go out fishing at a location known to the locals as "The Barrels" after all this time can anyone shed some light on just where this was------asking for a friend lol
@Wave Runner: Sorry it was to the east of the new road not far from the hotel. We fished off of it with a dip net MANY years ago and thanks for the memories…..Smelt was our fish at the time….
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Yeah the good old days when smelt were abundant. Thanks for that memory Red because I haven't had a feed of fresh smelt in a very long time. :hungry:
Yes the good old days, we would clean and take to Pt Dover a bushel of them to be smoked they were great. My mother would pickle them and MANY meals of them. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Glad you brought them back thx….
Loooong time ago when the big wooden pier was at Turkey Point----boaters would go out fishing at a location known to the locals as "The Barrels" after all this time can anyone shed some light on just where this was------asking for a friend lol
Well was talking to an OLD friend and he said it would probably be where the barrels were in the sand bar to go to the outer bay. The cuts were blown in with the larger boats.
@packrat... Gord, are you talking about this old wooden dock that was at MacDonald Turkey Point Marina?
Is that you standing on the post back in the 50s? Just asking for a friend. :p

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wow thanks for the pic Bob----spent many an hour out there trying my luck----best times was when the silver bass came in at sundown and it was crazy mad until they moved on-----might have been me standing on the post----my lips are sealed lol
No but I remember ice fishing the Bear hole off Sherkston . Lots of jumbos, horrible walk out on the shove. Also where I learned never to leave shore with out a compass.
Quicker tip from there. If the depth keeps changing the ice you're on just might be moving !