Trailers in line up


Well-Known Member
Not that I'm looking forward to the upcoming waterfowl season or hanging around the campfire hearing all the lies from Kicks and the rest of the riff raff ;) but I was wondering when we can bring the campers in for the fall season. thank you. Ernie

Happiness is a day on the ice
will post the date as soon as we get it firmed up, it is ususally the week before opening
as for the friday night fire , Your privileges are suspended

Silly question. Is it possile to pay for a trailer spot without having a trailer. I was brain storming and thought I could park the Expedition there. It sleeps 2... ;)
Kicks; no problem denying me the campfire...and to think I was working on all my worst jokes for you

Happiness is a day on the ice
ok maybe a suspension was a little harsh
I tell you what you can set your chair up 20 feet from the fire
and listen to the same stories you heard last year and the year before that and the year before that !!

20' away and facing the opposite direction...I can hear it now...remember that 50yd shot, and last year it was 35..[:o)]

Happiness is a day on the ice
Trailers will be allowed into the line up on Saturday Sept 17 one week prior to opening day . Please make sure you stop at the unit office and get your permit .Please also be patient with the office staff there will be as always different young people working there from last year and they might not be Familiar with the permit you are after

Thanks Glen; No problem regarding the staff..How much should I expect to pay, and also, does this fee include the unit ramp? Thank you, Ernie

Happiness is a day on the ice
The cost is $150.00 for the season . This does not cover your ramp fee on off days . Your blind fee covers the ramp on unit hunting days .

I think I way head down today to check a few things out. I have a few questions
1. What park are we putting are campers in ?
2. I only have a pop-up trailer, is this a good idea to use this at this location, I know the weather off the lake can get bad.

3. I only have a canoe at this time, do i need a boat ??

4. Are the walk-insblinds good for waders or do I need a dog and what about the other blinds "in deep water ???"

Thanks for your help
Ernie ( yes an other Ernie )
Dirt bike
1)The trailers are parked in the day use area . this is the same parking lot where the line up takes place .
2) There have been other guys with pop ups before it will be fine , i just would not leave it set up if you are not going to be there for awile .
3)there are lots of blinds you can get to with a canoe probably between 15 and 20 of them
4)all the walk outs are easy to get to with waders there are old dugout ponds at 1,2,3 just ask were they are everywere else around the blind you can wade but a dog is highly recommended at some of the walkouts because they are surronded by grass and weeds not alot of water at all of them .
5)The water is still higher than usual but i dont believe even any of the outside blinds would be over your waders

" Thats 12 already ? count them again Larry "

Went for a drive today and checked everything out. I now just have to deside what to do.

I was down @ the unit today & #1 & #2 line ups are taken , went for a boat ride too and didn't see that much, couple small flocks of geese, that was it!
Watched the feeding pond at sunset and hardly seen anything compared to other years
Anyone else seeing any?

When times are tough,
and flocks are small,
take your time,
and kill 'em all!
Maybe a web cam pointed at the line-up is in order? Could also be used to monitor for restricted refreshments :D.
There would be too many guys with their faces blacked out or they may even take to wearing camo masks to remain anonymous. :P
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