Off Topic Trailer Brake Identification


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
I have a Fisher trailer, and want to redo the brakes on it, surge brakes BTW. I believe that they are disc brakes as well.
Where do I look to get the correct part numbers, or should I just take it to a shop?
For sure,,, if you are semi-local, “Neely auto repair” in Milton is amazing. They specialize in trailer repair and retrofits. They are right beside Cerka trailer parts and have all the parts handy.

Someone from here recommended them 2 years ago and I can’t say enough about them.

They swapped out my trailer lights (bulb) to LED and a bunch of other work for 300 bucks parts included!
I have a Hitchman and a trailer manufacturer within 10 mins. Milton would be a bit far.
Cerka Industries, any and all parts you want. Shipped to your door.
its always been smarter faster and sometimes cheaper to get boat motor trailer maintainance done in the fall before the snow flys..the lineup in the spring and parts back ordered..get the work done now..
If your in Hamilton Albert give Nando Trailers a call, see if they will fix you up. They are on Rymal Rd. 905 575 1218