Too hot to fish!!!!


Well-Known Member
Had planned for another trip to Bruce in the morning. Weather was looking not too bad, wind direction and speed were OK, humidex was to be 31 again not too bad if youre off the pier late morning.

NOW they changed it all up to light winds 60 per cent chance of showers and what really pulled the plug on the whole idea was humidex is now supposed to hit 38.(ugh)

Not my idea of a fun day fishing dealing with that ( I,m a senior ya know:D)----hopefully another day but the rest of this week doesnt look to much better either.

I hear ya about the humidex values.. kinda sucks the joy out of things. On the upside.. won't be too much longer before the mornings become fairly cool. :D
Didnt miss getting up early to be on the road at 4.

Made the mistake of turning on TWN----wouldnt you know---changed forecast again. Dropped humidex value from 38 to 31, light showers!! not til evening.

However Toronto was still calling for high humidex.

Oh well TWN has some awesome eye candy to pacify even the most jaded viewer----perks ya right up.:D

They probably do that to pacify you.. so you don't throw a shoe or a brick at the TV if they are wrong! :P

Just had coffee in the "backyard" was surprised how cool it felt this morning.. would have been a great morning for perchin!
Hey packrat................. I think you should of went fishin this morning 72 degrees and a beauty day shaping up but its going to get muggy ,o well there will be more days ahead good luck ...........................apps
Originally posted by apps

Hey packrat................. I think you should of went fishin this morning 72 degrees and a beauty day shaping up but its going to get muggy ,o well there will be more days ahead good luck ...........................apps

All I need now is somebody to post a report from there---"ya should have been here":D

hey packrat went to Bruce this mornning for drive with grandson there were some big perch caughtoff the creek side corner of the pier people fished there all nitghter had 2 five gallon pails full of perch i think a little over there limit other corner not so well one guy had a dozen or so not over yet oh ya not a minnow to be caught or baught. salties were the bait today
Originally posted by giller
hey packrat went to Bruce this mornning for drive with grandson there were some big perch caughtoff the creek side corner of the pier people fished there all nitghter had 2 five gallon pails full of perch i think a little over there limit other corner not so well one guy had a dozen or so not over yet oh ya not a minnow to be caught or baught. salties were the bait today

Thanks for the report giller----yeah just a little over the limit I think too.

Havent really tossed in the towel yet, just have to keep an eye on the weather patterns and pick my day.

Was wondering about the minnow supply--usually bring salties anyway just in case.

Cheers Gord

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