TMMC Tourney ?


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of planning a Pike tourney for TMMC employee's and who ever wants to fish it .I would like to do it during the week ,the week after the long weekend .Normal tourney rules and fish have to be alive to be weighed in .the sanctuary will be in affect so it will be only the west end of the bay and the outer bay let me know how many guys/gals would be interested I am thinking mabye $20 each angler 1st 2nd 3rd pays 100% pay out please reply to this thread or PM to let me know ASAP so I can make some calls for the launch and find a scale for the weigh in.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
I would love to do this but due to my employment issues I have no clue what I would be doing at that time
i work at tmmc but not a big pike guy. i like going out deep for bows and walleye and in the spring i like perch. could we bring others into this as long as one guy from tmmc is on the boat? i do know guys that
hit the bay for pike.
Originally posted by green head

i work at tmmc but not a big pike guy. i like going out deep for bows and walleye and in the spring i like perch. could we bring others into this as long as one guy from tmmc is on the boat? i do know guys that
hit the bay for pike.

Ya I am gonna leave it open to anyone really I just figured it's a way to meet some co-workers that have a common interest and get out on the water to catch some big pike .


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
No I hate trolling bores me to death I cast all kinds of baits at them.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
I might get in on that! Although not TMMC employee though...

Will ultimately depend on what is going on at work. Right now the week is looking pretty open, but it is a month away and a LOT can change in that much time.

I would prefer to do this before the sanctuary comes into effect. I would hate to have to run out to the bluffs if it's a bumpy ride.
I know a couple of guys from my break room that would like to join us. I think we could bring 4 guys on two boats....
hey Wendel I would love to do it before to but I don't want to step on the SLA and LPBAA tourneys toes and the forced week off is the best way to get as many TMMC people involved and if it's bumpy it will make for a interesting day there's a tonne of fish infont of the PP (my PB came from there during the sactuary)and anyone in a smaller boat will be fishing there anyways there's plenty of room for our little tourny/Meet and greet and with the cold temps the fish are just not out there yet I have only heard of a couple fish being caught and I don't think 2 weeks will be enough time to get people out so far were looking at 4-5 guys 9 if you and your buddies are in .If you guys would like to fish this and want to see it before the santuary takes effect it will have to be april 30th or may 1st let me know ASAP because it won't give me much time to plan.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
There are a lot of guys that work there that might be interested. Maybe post something inside the plant or through the social club. There are some good fisherman there and some tourney guys at that. It would make it interesting. May even get 50 plus boats out.
I will talk to HR on monday and see what I can do maybe do a bass tourney in the summer ?


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
Hey Shawn.... just read ur thread, sounds like a great idea! I will spread the word at work, I know a bunch of guys who love pike'in and I think they would be interested.... knowing that they all have that week off. I will let you know about myself aswell, might have comitted myself to a job planting tobacco that week, so I'll get back to ya.
I think the bass tourny sounds great too!! Smallies and large mouth?


Yeah let me know soon I was thinking I was gonna scrap the idea due to lack of interest only 4 guys interested so far other than myself maybe just do a freindly tourney if it's only a few guys $10 bucks each winner take all ? I will be going out once atleast that week so it don't matter to me.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
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