Thurs report


Well-Known Member
Hi all..Was out yesterday...went out of old cut to same spot as I have been using last 4 or 5 times & had good success with..So I took 2 buddys out thinking I was gona show them a good day on the ice.....well that didn't happen...we brought in 15 or so..but all in all we had a fun day,,just didn't bring in may fish...

If Cans r flyin,they will b dyin...
Hey Canslayer, what was the travelling like - find any of those slush spots? Thanks for posting - I've been watching for a report - we're heading out tomorrow with high hopes - Its going to be a full day of fishing!
Hey wetfoot...sorry didn't get back to you be4 u'r Sat adventure...Hope u did bettr than me..I was out Sat & had worst day in last couple weeks...4 fish..altho I saw a couple of good schools,a pike scared off the best bunch I had in the whole...

If Cans r flyin,they will b dyin...