Thousands dead oldsqaws


Well-Known Member

I don't know if you are able to click the above website. Go to google and type whatever you think it will work. 6000 birds, mostly oldsqaws, long-tailed birds, beached along one spot of Georgia Bay shoreline. They were presumed killed by botulism. Will the birds down here in Long Point get sick?
The problem with botulism in Georgian Bay seems to be a repeat from last year. We have had our own problems here at Long Point in the not to distant past. I'm not at all sure if the situations are similar other than lots of dead birds. Loons were also impacted here.

Originally posted by lcooper

I don't know if you are able to click the above website. Go to google and type whatever you think it will work. 6000 birds, mostly oldsqaws, long-tailed birds, beached along one spot of Georgia Bay shoreline. They were presumed killed by botulism. Will the birds down here in Long Point get sick?

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