thinking of trying to troll out of Burwell FRI


Well-Known Member
well going to try again seening as how weather has stopped me every other time
I get done work mid morn and thinking of trying out some trolling
anyone else thinking about friday
I'm real new at the trolling game and might just be one rod with my 10 year old but going to go try
Went out Mon morning with my wife, we fished 4hours. Took home 4 walleye and lost 2. I will be out this Friday, taking my friends two boys, they love fishing but have never really ever landed anything before, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! All the best.
Hey Skinny, Not sure if you're aware, but you can have 2 rods per an angler on erie. 4 rods will up your chances for your boy and you. Good luck.
let me know how you make out , I won't be able to get out for a while yet
a thing called work keeps getting in the way of the nice weather days
Yes I know I can go 2 rods each but it may just be
My 10 year old and I
So not sure how much lead he will crank
Which will mean I will have to stop boat to crank in
So that is reason for one