Tarpon in Boca Grande!


Well-Known Member
Definitely not Erie but I know we like reports of all kinds so figured I would share a few shots from our trip to Boca Grande, Florida from last week!
This was my first saltwater experience and cannot describe how hard these fish fight. At certain points you wonder who is in control :D
We spent 30 hours on the water for 2.5 days and hooked into four tarpon. One broke my #7 hook in half, another broke 80 lb braid like silk, another spit the hook in the air three feet above water, last broke leader boat side. As the captain said, "that's tarpon fishing, 3-4 hours of boredom followed by an hour of mayhem"

The "dock" (we were in the "small" 26 footer on the right) ;)


40 lb Goliath Grouper the first night, crazy strong!


First morning looking for tarpon


A few dollars down there


What you look for, tarpon rolling on top or dark spots


And you are not alone in the pass, this only shows about 5% of boats


Hooked up, fish looks smaller on camera, angler looks like he needs to hit the gym hard


That point where it is out of your control


Again, just hanging on


Quite a few of these beautifully distracting and unpredictable species out there, apparently they like really expensive flashy ornaments


Best up close pic we have

Nice pics. Was down last week of May in Sanibel, rented a boat and took a trip to Boca Grande. What a sight watching those 100lb Tarpon jumping at surface. We were after large Sharks and a couple guides told me they were heavy in there hunting after tired out Tarpon. Said he had a Tarpon 10 yards off boat and a Hammerhead left him with only the Tarpons head!!!
It is truly an amazing fishing experience.
you must of been fishing with the hart brothers and capt dave heard all the stories today at work someday i will get some tarpon i have never seen anglers like that in the colchester derby
Great pics, I would of requested to fish from the Nancy V Looks like there was more room to move around than on a 26 footer. That Mecury Racing boat, bet you couldn't tell me what h.p. he has on the back!!!!:D:D
Hi Jim! Yah, the big boat sure is nice. I think they use it to fish way offshore once and awhile. I can't tell you what the hp is on that racing motor but it is definitely "two stroke" ;)
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