
Favourite bow recipe for me is bacon wrapped trout.
Fillet, debone and skin the fillet. Cut into 1” square chunks. Marinate in zesty Italian dressing for an hour. Then wrap each piece in 1/3-1/2 slice of bacon the bbq with bbq sauce. Can’t get enough of them.
Have done this with salmon too and works just as well.
Smoked some more of my rainbows yesterday the quality of the meat has never been as good no white meat


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@Wave Runner Here you go -- but ran out of eggs!
Simple recipe.
Butter melted in oil, sautéed onions, trout fried / steamed in a separate covered pan add favourite spice. Fish fried skin down. On the flip remove skin add butter and combine with sautéed onions, crack eggs and cover low heat until done.
Bush League Breakfast!


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Guys don't want to rain on the parade .ontario guide to eating ontario sport fish dosnt recomend eating to many bowsfrom erie, and also cohos are amongst the worse for contaminants, from both erie and lake o..walleye have less contaminants that bows ..
Guys don't want to rain on the parade .ontario guide to eating ontario sport fish dosnt recomend eating to many bowsfrom erie, and also cohos are amongst the worse for contaminants, from both erie and lake o..walleye have less contaminants that bows ..

Some of the pictures of big salmon, trout (especially lakers) and walleye from Erie and Ontario makes me cringe at the thought of people actually eating such polluted fish.

Far too many people focus on putting as much meat as they can into the freezer without taking into consideration what they’re actually eating…
Some of the pictures of big salmon, trout (especially lakers) and walleye from Erie and Ontario makes me cringe at the thought of people actually eating such polluted fish.

Far too many people focus on putting as much meat as they can into the freezer without taking into consideration what they’re actually eating…
For sure. Definetly need to pay attention to that. I generally don't keep anything larger than 5 lbs for rainbows, or much over 5 lbs for walleye either. Unless it is not going to make it. Can't stand wasting meat.
Had to check as it’s been a while….

Rainbow for Erie should be a maximum of 2 meals/servings, not two fish, per month with children and women of reproductive age having 0 meals if fish are larger than 14”.

I forgot how polluted Erie rainbows are.
These under 10lb bow's haven't been in the lake that long. We do trim the belly fat. -- Older ones can be released for sure. The shakers get released unless badly hooked. A meal a week -- can't be worse than eating out.
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Guys don't want to rain on the parade .ontario guide to eating ontario sport fish dosnt recomend eating to many bowsfrom erie, and also cohos are amongst the worse for contaminants, from both erie and lake o..walleye have less contaminants that bows ..
Nothing over 8lbs kept... rib cage and below tossed... 😉

I'd like to see recommended servings of anything that comes in a box or fast food... 😉
Guys don't want to rain on the parade .ontario guide to eating ontario sport fish dosnt recomend eating to many bowsfrom erie, and also cohos are amongst the worse for contaminants, from both erie and lake o..walleye have less contaminants that bows ..
I think like anything we eat, it's a matter of moderation.

If you're eating fish you caught out of the lake every day, then yeah, you might eventually have a problem, but if you're eating the fish you catch once a week or less, especially if they're smaller fish, then it shouldn't be an issue.

As I understood what I read, you can eat 2 meals/week of Lake Erie yellow perch, and Lake Erie walleye at least once a week. Those are primarily the two species I will eat, although periodically I might, as I have this year, also keep some catfish early in the season, none bigger than 5lbs though and some bows. I've given most of the bow I've caught this year away already and only kept a little for myself. IF I end up with more either by catching it myself when out in a boat with other members, or having it given to me while sitting on the pier from a boat coming in, (both have happened this year) I'll decide what I'll do with it then. I might give some of it away, or I might keep it all for my home. I'll make that decision if or when necessary.

Although I do catch a fair amount of fish each year, and I will periodically eat some of it throughout the summer, I also give some away to neighbors and family. (They're spoiled. I catch it. I clean it. I vac seal it. All they have to do is cook it.)

BUT, a majority of what I catch and don't give away doesn't get eaten until winter when I'm hibernating, (Oct 1-Mid April or early May usually) and even then, I'm not eating fish every day. Usually once a week, sometimes once every 2-3 weeks depending on what else may be on my menu at any given time. (That's how I make it last all winter until I come out of hibernation in the spring.) I'm NOT concerned that I might get ill from eating it because I'm not eating it anywhere near regular enough to have those concerns.

The same thing can be said about take out foods though, especially fast food joints like McDonald's, Wendy's etc. Eating it in moderation won't likely hurt you, but if you're eating that every day, ( and we all know it's convenient, but it ain't all that healthy) then yeah, you're probably going to have some health issues at some point because of it, but if you're only eating that stuff once every couple weeks, or once a month, you probably won't.
Nothing over 8lbs kept... rib cage and below tossed... 😉

I'd like to see recommended servings of anything that comes in a box or fast food... 😉
Hmm, not to mention pickerel/ walleye, perch at the supermarket comes from Erie, I yet to see a warning sign next to the price tag about consumption guidelines
Salmonoids sold are mostly from farmed fish full of antibiotics
Tilapia raised in run off ditches
Some shrimp also raised the same way
Look it up you may never buy seafood from the supermarket
@Ticker, Some of the shrimp and fish farms are running a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) product - system to clean up their water. It was really bad prior to them not doing so. I agree some "farmed" products are not that good.
Nothing over 8lbs kept... rib cage and below tossed... 😉

I'd like to see recommended servings of anything that comes in a box or fast food... 😉

Thing is the meat from the store or fast food doesn’t come from a lake where the animals are eating food full of contaminants and heavy metals. Practically every food you buy has recommended daily servings and you won’t find the nasty contaminants that are found in wild fish as regulations are in place to prevent this.

An 8lb bow is what, 26-28”? Being a fatty fish they hold more contaminants which is why they recommend eating 1 meal per month for bows that size and zero for kids/women. Not one fish, 1 normal meal serving per month. That tells you these fish are heavily polluted.

To each their own, but it’s ridiculous for random internet dudes to completely ignore the work scientists/biologists have done to provide this guide.
@ch312 , If these are so bad - why is the commercial fishery allowed to profit from their harvesting them? The food administration would have to post something for the resale of fillets are retail outlets. Right?
Thing is the meat from the store or fast food doesn’t come from a lake where the animals are eating food full of contaminants and heavy metals. Practically every food you buy has recommended daily servings and you won’t find the nasty contaminants that are found in wild fish as regulations are in place to prevent this.

An 8lb bow is what, 26-28”? Being a fatty fish they hold more contaminants which is why they recommend eating 1 meal per month for bows that size and zero for kids/women. Not one fish, 1 normal meal serving per month. That tells you these fish are heavily polluted.

To each their own, but it’s ridiculous for random internet dudes to completely ignore the work scientists/biologists have done to provide this guide.
I'm not sure I they test the whole fish-lateral line, belly fat etc. Or just the meat loin, tail section..I would say walleye are leaner therefore more consumption is allowed..also wonder how much the net fishery comes into play for guidelines on fish they catch and sell..I personally only smoke bows and salmon 5 lb max, from lake ont..I will keep a real small bow from erie, but it is the exception..
Favourite bow recipe for me is bacon wrapped trout.
Fillet, debone and skin the fillet. Cut into 1” square chunks. Marinate in zesty Italian dressing for an hour. Then wrap each piece in 1/3-1/2 slice of bacon the bbq with bbq sauce. Can’t get enough of them.
Have done this with salmon too and works just as well.
I zipper off the top of the walleye fillets (loins), cube, wrap in 1/3 piece of bacon, skewer and drizzle some garlic butter over it while cooking on the bbq or in the oven then a another wee touch of garlic butter to serve or on the side (heavy on the minced garlic)
I will never forget the look on my teenage sons face when he took his first bite of walleye done this way.
Preparation tip:
If you warm up the bacon in a warm water bath in the sink while it is still in its sealed package, it becomes very pliable and stretchy and you can sometimes go as little as 1/4 slice per chunk of walleye. Its easy to over power the walleye with the bacon if its thick or the walleye chunks are small.
Thing is the meat from the store or fast food doesn’t come from a lake where the animals are eating food full of contaminants and heavy metals. Practically every food you buy has recommended daily servings and you won’t find the nasty contaminants that are found in wild fish as regulations are in place to prevent this.

An 8lb bow is what, 26-28”? Being a fatty fish they hold more contaminants which is why they recommend eating 1 meal per month for bows that size and zero for kids/women. Not one fish, 1 normal meal serving per month. That tells you these fish are heavily polluted.

To each their own, but it’s ridiculous for random internet dudes to completely ignore the work scientists/biologists have done to provide this guide.
The meat coming from a store or fast food might not come from the lake where they are eating food full of contaminates and heavy metals but It do come from the land where much of contaminates and heavy metals start and run off.. how do you know the meat in the store is not just has polluted in one way or another?
Im surrounded by crop lands on 3 sides. They plant soy bean,corn,wheat,clover and who knows what else in this fields year after. It gets sprayed with a variety fluids multipol times a year which does not all just stay in the fields they put it on..depends on which way the wind blows it that day. Not a single weed growing in these fields ever yet the crop always lush and green, never see them water it and they are irritating it comes from the polluted creeks,rivers & lake not just deep wells. Come harvest time they collect the bounty in grain bids or bail it..where do you think all that goes? Live stock needs feed. Golden rods and burdock plants wont cut it. Not enough acorns crabs apples to go around.
Not 50ft from these fields there is a beef cattle farm. They do feed on portions of grazing lands of wild grass and such but they also feed heavily on bails of greens..much like the ones I see hauled away from the fields around me.. on top of the weed killer and chemical fertilized infused greens these beast have ingesting there are or can be needled up with vaccines, antibiotics & growth hormoans.
Deer,turkeys,rabbits geese and other fowl also feed on the these same crops and are not in the clear yet i see nothing on paper advising you to not eat them.. where the science on this? I'm sure it's out there but you won't get to easily read about it like you do for the "onterio guide for fish consumption" likely becouse that would be bad for business.

To each there own is true, i always liked saying.
It just has ridiculous for random internet dude to to believe meat sold in a store or fast food is any safer or any less contaminated then fish pulled from the lake..after paying for your fishing licence you can eat as much fish as you can catch for free..bad for business. GMO Seed for greens, chemical fertilizers/weed killer, Farm raised live stock for meat and commercially harvested fish sold in the stores not to mention the amount of fuel used to do all this harvesting..good for business.
Look at the tax revenue there compared to fishermen getting to eat for free.
If you speed while driving on the the rd you are ignoring science.. if you believe in "God" one could argue you are ignoring science.
At times Science is a educated GUESS at best. Just becouse a doctor has a paper on the wall saying he is a doctor don't mean he is any good at healing..just means someone gave him a paper saying he studied medicine and should be able to heal. Scientist are no differnt..They should be smart and know but that don't mean they are..also don't mean there telling the truth! How do you actually know if there telling the truth? Just becouse it's on paper..and published by the government?
I don't know if the scientists are right or truthful about the fish or not but I have seen enough old anglers still kicking around in there 70s& 80s even 90 that have eaten lake fish there whole life and still eat fiah and some fallow it up a cigarette to help the digestion. That leads me to believe otherwise about science at times.
No covid vaccine either..becouse I don't trust it or them..had it ,still here.
Science...I don't know about science.
it’s ridiculous for random internet dudes to completely ignore the work scientists/biologists have done to provide this guide.
That's just human nature. Forever have we as a race ignored what science tells us, not necessarily because we don't understand it, nor because we don't trust it. We just don't LIKE it. We don't like what they're telling us, so, we ignore it. Sometimes that works against us, sometimes our stubbornness to accept what the scientists are telling us, works in our favor. Sometimes, we get a little of both.

It's very similar to "we want the truth!!!" Do we? Most of the time when someone tells us the 100% brutally honest truth, we DIDN'T want to hear it, because we don't like it. It hurts us. It makes us we ignore it, AND/OR we lash out at it. I would think that given what we've been experiencing over the past few years, THAT truth would be very evident.

But then again, truth and what we believe to be truth, depends a great deal on what our own perceptions, and what our own points of view are. Quite often we make up our own truth, because it suits our own beliefs, our own perceptions, and our own points of view.

We heard what we wanted to hear and believed what we wanted to believe, because the alternative is that we may be mistaken in those beliefs, those perceptions, and those points of view, and NOBODY likes to admit we don't.....even when it has been undeniably proven that we may have been mistaken. We will still adamantly defend what we believe to be the truth, no matter what and where do we see THAT playing out the most? In politics, and in religion and what does science pander to the most? Politics, because scientists rely on politicians to further their research, through continued funding that politicians can provide for that research. Sometimes that is done for our benefit, sometimes, it isn't.
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