
Well-Known Member
im lucky enough to be brought around the world for my work. the most recent stop has been Pensacola Florida.

the local agent has become a good friend over the years and was gracious enough to take me out in mobile Alabama. for some red fish and salt water speckled trout fishing . looking to get that bull red that has eluded me for years .

we met up with his brother and wife at the bait shop on the side of the highway just outside of mobile. lukes wife leans over the counter in a sweet southern accent and sais , "can i get a a pcak of split shot and some circle hooks!!!!!!! im like dont talk dirty to me like that, gotta love the accent and the terminoligy coming out of her lol . we picked up our 5 dozen live shrimp, got in the truck and headed for the boat launch. then it happened SWEET HOME ALABAMA on the radio WHILE IN ALABAMA just has a different sound thats for sure lol

we hit the water and proceeded to basically fish in the middle of the downtown and port of mobile . tha bite in the begining was real slow, but the tide had not started rolling yet. so we decided to move spots over to the coal docks. thats when the biteturned on , i hit 2 flounder right off the bat and and a nice speckled trout . then i hit this nice slot size redfish. to complete the inshore grand slam. all in all we had a great day on the water putting a bunch of fish in the box in the slot size . and the weather was awsome .

as i said i am so grateful and lucky for my work taking me all over the world and being able to fish so many species and body's of water .

im off to the Indian river in Florida next for some fishing , with a buddy thats got a great deal on boats and accommodation for the week .

the mobile coal docks in the back ground

fish fry back on the ship that night damm good

Excellent Chef, there's some great eating there. Caught red fish, sea trout, snook and sheepshead (not those garbage bags we have here) all winter one year in Estero Bay off the gulf near Fort Meyers. They were all great eating. By the way, nice pics. (y)

Here's some from southern Florida and hope I'm not hi-jacking your thread. :)

Florida 061.jpg
Florida 080.jpg
Florida 064.jpg
Florida 060.jpg
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