Swan report Att.Polywog

Larry Lloyd

Well-Known Member
Seems to me that it was Polywog looking for Swan Reports last year. Anyway, FYI, I saw the first of the year yesterday,6 flying over in AM then, 20 or so a couple more times in PM.First Robin(2) yesterday too.

The ice has frozen hard and looks slick. Some guys are moving around easily and heading out a little farther than recently. It dosen't look like the hut operators are operating today out of St. Williams.Likely letting the ice freeze hard and taking a couple of well deserved days off.
It's a bright sunny day, not much wind and we're heading out later hoping to get some Pike. Standby

Hi Larry...if you make it out today could you please post how the water clarity is now...I was down at St. Willys on the weekend and the water was so murky we couldnt see our minnow 2' below the hole...we did catch and release a nice little 28" pike though. Planning on heading down Thursday before we get all the rain forecasted for this weekend.

Thanks for the report! Swans are the first indicator of spring for me (that and Redwing Blackbirds).Bring it on!


" Never mind if the horses are blind, just load the damn wagon"
Yo Jwalsh;Was out late PM and was going to go out by the pressure crack.Got most of the way but the ice is not frozen in places right down to the black ice. The top layer of ice would give and crack as we'd step on it and you could see water and bubbles moving under foot in places.I don't think it's a safety issue but it gave me and my buddy the willies. So we came back and tried fishing the yacht channel out of Booth's hopping for a Pike at sunset. No luck . One bite at sunset.
Didn't go below freezing here last night so I'm waiting 'till tomorrow to try again as it's supposed to get colder as the day goes on and down to -12 degs. tonight.The hut operators didn't go out yesterday.I'm watching to see if they go out today.

7:15 pm Wednesday. just had a flock fly over my place on longpoint. Spring is here![:I]
We had 3 flocks fly over are heads when we were out on the bay fishing yesterday , hard water will be gone soon and the wood pile is getting low so bring on spring...........apps
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