sunday out of the old cut


Well-Known Member
Took my daughter out for the first time this year and did much better than the skunk last time. Great weather and the fishing was not to bad, found a few larger ones by ec10 but the biggest was found just before all the huts in 3 feet. Also had a pike on for 30 seconds of fun but it spit my hook before i could ice it.
All in all a great day to take her fishing. Jigging is the key.

Hi all.
That sink picture looks just like the one I posted last year?? :)
Good for you and thanks for the report.
Cheers, Clark
Nice fishing!!!.....How's that pail work for ya, wonder if I make one with "jumbos" on it, if that's what I would get;), worth a try I

Brian (Legend Man)
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