Sunday august 7th burwell


Well-Known Member
Rain woke me up this morning, before my alarm at 3:30. But because my fishing time this year is sparse to say the least, I packed up and hit the road. Was on the water by am, eager to get the lines in the water. We tryed everything we had, with no luck. We fished from 56 fow to 61 fow...up high, down low, fast slow, and every colour in my box. Nothing to show for it but 2 sheepies, and an empty lunch bag! Hopefully it picked up for the guys who stuck if out. We packed it in by 10 and headed home.

Sorry no pics today... Nothing to take pictures of! Maybe the cool storm that rolled across shore around 7:30

Maybe next weekend?

" Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry " R.J.
Thanks for posting Courtland. Your report is as important as those of successful participants.
went west out of burwell 1.5 south of yellowbarrel. it was very slow .but landed 3 pic.s on silver/gold williams wobber on 9 colour on boards. back in at 200pm
Originally posted by Wave Wrangler

went west out of burwell 1.5 south of yellowbarrel. it was very slow .but landed 3 pic.s on silver/gold williams wobber on 9 colour on boards. back in at 200pm

That barrel was out in front of Bruce this morning---couldnt quite make out the shape tho. Couple people thought it may have been a boat capsized.

We were out from burwell sunday also ,little choppy out there.
Managed 3 pics 2 perch 1farm animal,lost 1 pic at the net.
Glad to get off the water getting a little green around the gills.:P
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