Steel report.....kinda


Got out yesterday morning on a Lake E trib from about 7am - noon.....NOTHING! Not even a sniff. I have to admit I was shocked at the lack of interest in my offerings. I had a great morning, although it was a little wet.

I driftedroe, pinkies, nymphs, wooley name it!

Just thought I would share with you all since I appreciate others sharing.
Well you're a better man then MOI and at least you tried. Surprised tho that even the little fellers passed on your offerings.

Spent the day beating the couch into submission:D

I seen a guy catch and keep an 8-9 inch tiny baby rainbow yesterday, and he kept it to feed to his cat he said because his cat likes raw fish... Would have rather seen you catch that small bow, Rock34.

It was a great morning as always. I just couldnt believe that I had the river to myself and still couldnt make anything happen. It was one of those days where nothing worked even though conditions seemed perfect. The type of day where you internally start to question your ability and knowledge. lol

Thats pretty sad that someone is keeping fish to feed their cat. I dont even like the taste of fish so for me catch and release is the only option that makese sense....:)

Cheers all
Originally posted by quinner01

I seen a guy catch and keep an 8-9 inch tiny baby rainbow yesterday, and he kept it to feed to his cat he said because his cat likes raw fish... Would have rather seen you catch that small bow, Rock34.


Now THAT p's me off!!!! He couldn't find a chub/shiner, or any other kind of coarse fish to feed his cat?????
Yeah, Frankie, it almost could have gotten quite heated. He was telling me how the limits on the Erie tribs around here were 5, and that he has kept 5 more than a few times. When I tried to tell him that he was wrong, that the limits around here are 2, he told me I should try reading the regulations LOL...

You'd think maybe its not a world class fishery when some mornings all you catch is a small 8-9 inch bow, yet you decide to kill it too.

Some people are just clueless, and/or just dont give a damn. Oh well I have all his info that I need, I will keep an eye out.

Thanks for the report too Rock, not trying to Highajack your thread, it was a slow day yesterday, from what I heard from a few people.

No worries man.

Not much to be said about a report about nothing lol

Hey next week I am off work and planning on fishing a few days so if anyone is looking for some company one day....let me know.

I might be around next week, but it has to warm up a bit lol!! Just insane out there right now, infact I wouldnt be suprised if everything locks up this week.

Originally posted by quinner01

I might be around next week, but it has to warm up a bit lol!! Just insane out there right now, infact I wouldnt be suprised if everything locks up this week.


I hear you man. Im thinking it will be a little warmer early next week....hopefully anyway
wow thats ridiculous....

i think i know who you are talking about, i was down as well on the same day. I know its been said before and it seems rather sad but should there be a manditory course for trib fishing in Ontario?? or some kind of pre-consultation. It would be one hell of a role out.

It Should have to be displayed like the PA and NY deer licenses. Would never happen but you would essentially eliminate the ignorance card and make it easier to spot poachers. especially with the ever growing popularity of drifting + google + internet boards. wow what 10 years will do!!! I wouldnt mind paying or spending the time in a one day or half day course - as long as its not a big promo scam like the turkey course. any money put in could go to the governing CA to support stream rehabilitation or other work associated with fisheries. Maybe its region or county specific....i would love to see something like this for the eastern lake erie basin.

i have seen some pretty outrageous things this year (beyond the norm) - actually its been a steady climb of idiots on the tribs year after year.
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